Saturday, December 2, 2006

Pull Up a Virtual Chair...

I claim in my profile that one of my likes is writing. So I feel compelled to have a blog. But blogs scare me. After all, I am over...I mean approaching 50-something. Doesn’t that allow me a bogging-exemption? I don’t really understand blogging. Is it like public masturbation? Maybe...

So I guess if I want to keep a public diary I need to have a blog. Why a public diary? Isn’t this Internet thingy the new gathering place? Instead of the corner bar, or the local bookstore we meet here now to chat and exchange views. Not so easy to order a drink here though. And how many people are really interested in coming to my virtual table? We’ll see.

Defining who I am:
A male to female transsexual who had the operation in 2002—basically changed my Outtie to an Innie. Some may cringe, but Oh, What a Relief It Is describes my sentiments best. I live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area, have a wonderful MTF (Male to Female) partner (we’ve been together over 6 years), and live a quiet, mostly normal life.

I am interested in hearing about other trans-people’s lives, but not exclusively. Trans-people have unique circumstances surrounding them, but we all have something unique about us, and I love hearing and sharing stories from everybody.

I’ll be posting a little more about myself and some of my thoughts as time goes on. I don’t want to bore anybody (who will really be able to find this site?) too much. I hope to hear from somebody. Anybody. Really it’s okay. Pull up a virtual chair, order a virtual drink from the virtual bar and make yourself comfy.

So, what’s on your mind?

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