Saturday, January 20, 2007

Spanking is Illegal

Spanking is illegal, or it will be in California if this insane law passes the state legislature. I am so fed up with our political system—it is totally dysfunctional and will probably never get better in my lifetime. Now, mind you, I don’t condone child abuse. But I gave my kids a good swat in the seat of their pants when they were young from time to time. It didn’t traumatize them, ruin their lives, or turn them into monsters. It helped discipline them when time-outs and reasoning didn’t work. What really galls me is how legislators increasingly want to intrude into our personal lives: where we can smoke, when we can drink, who we can marry—do this, don’t do that. All this while our wages are going down, the homeless still don’t have care, medical costs are as insane as gas prices, our infrastructure is crumbling, our prison system is broken, our legal system is dysfunctional, there are more poor than ever, and poverty is lurking around the corner for more families than ever in my lifetime. You’d think there were enough legitimate issues to occupy a legislator’s time. But since they don’t want to get any real issues solved they pony up lame non-issues like child spanking. I should put them all over my knee!

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